- About
- Courses
- Research
- Computational Social Science
- Critical Data Studies
- Data Science
- Economics and Information
- Education Technology
- Ethics, Law and Policy
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Human-Robot Interaction
- Incentives and Computation
- Infrastructure Studies
- Interface Design and Ubiquitous Computing
- Natural Language Processing
- Network Science
- Social Computing and Computer-supported Cooperative Work
- Technology and Equity
- People
- Career
- Undergraduate
- Info Sci Majors
- BA - Information Science (College of Arts & Sciences)
- BS - Information Science (CALS)
- BS - Information Science, Systems, and Technology
- Studying Abroad
- MPS Early Credit Option
- Independent Research
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- Undergraduate Minor in Info Sci
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- Info Sci Majors
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- Prospective PhD Students
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- Degree Requirements and Curriculum
- Grad Student Orgs
- For Current PhDs
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Our Students and Alumni
- Graduation Info
- Program Contacts and Student Advising
Dan Adler

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Data Science, HCI, Mental Health, Health Policy, Implementation
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Dhruv Agarwal

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Responsible AI, Misinformation, ICTD
Campus: Ithaca
Gabriel Agostini

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Computational Social Science, Urban Data Science, Machine Learning
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Tanvir Ahmed

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: AI for Healthcare & Medicine, Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Vision, Signal Processing
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Liam Albright

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Mobile Healthcare (mHealth), Information and Communications Technologies for Development (ICT4D)
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Jordan Ali

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Histories of Cybersecurity; The production of Cyberspace; Imperialism online
Campus: Ithaca
Marianne Aubin Le Quere

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-Computer Interaction, Crowdsourcing, Data Science, Attention Economy, News media creation propagation and consumption
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Yuanchen Sophie Bai

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-computer Interaction, Healthcare Robotics
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Vince Bartle

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Healthcare, Conversational Agents
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Axel Bax

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Computational Methods, Geospatial Analysis
Campus: Ithaca
Federica Bologna

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Natural Language Processing, Cultural Analytics, Computational Social Science
Campus: Ithaca
Alexandra Bremers

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Interaction Design, HCI, Fabrication, Human-robot Interaction, Artificial Intelligence
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Anthonia Carter

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Economics of Innovation, Data Science, Market Design, Multistakeholder Fairness, Design-led Innovation
Campus: Ithaca
Zekun Chang

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Digital Fabrication, Human-Computer Interaction, Active Materials
Campus: Ithaca
Janet Chen

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-computer interaction, interaction design, data and AI
Campus: Ithaca
Mina Chen

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Learning at Scale, Educational Data Science, Higher Education
Campus: Ithaca
Anna Choi

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Automatic Speech Recognition, AI Ethics, Signal Processing
Campus: Ithaca
Madiha Zahrah Choksi

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Big-Tech; Law; Privacy; Surveillance; Contextual Integrity; Obfuscation; Data Governance; Alternate Governance
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Pelinsu Çiftçioğlu

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: HCI, Design, Psychology
Campus: Ithaca
Jazmin Collins

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: HCI, Accessibility, Virtual Reality, Game Accessibility
Campus: Ithaca
Isabel Corpus

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Algorithmic Fairness, Human Computer Interaction (HCI).
Campus: Ithaca
Laura Cortes-Rico

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: HCI, Embodied Interactions, Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICTD), Social Computing
Campus: Ithaca
Fernando Delgado

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Law & Technology; Sociotechnical Systems; AI Governance; Human-Computer Interaction
Campus: Ithaca
Shuo Feng

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: HCI, Digital Fabrication, Material Research
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Cristiana Firullo

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Digital Markets & Online Platforms, Online User Behavior, Privacy, Competition Policy
Campus: Ithaca
Natalie Friedman

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: HCI, HRI, Design research, Fashion
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Jenny Fu

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Psychology of Technology, Emotional Regulation, Well-being
Campus: Ithaca
Jadon Geathers
Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Educational Technology, Educational Equity, Human-Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence in Education, User-Centered Design
Campus: Ithaca
Ann-Kareen Gedeus

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Healthcare technology, AR/VR, and HRI
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Tan Gemicioglu
Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Wearable Computing, Health Technology, Sensing, Haptics
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Alexandra Gonzalez

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Child eSafety, Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Technology Policy, Digital Sociology
Campus: Ithaca
Ricky Gonzalez

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Interaction Design, Prototyping, and Accessible Design for Blind and Low Vision People
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Jennah Gosciak

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Data Science for Social Good, Causal Inference, Cities, Algorithmic Fairness
Campus: Ithaca
Breanna Green

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Computational Social Science, NLP, Data Science
Campus: Ithaca
Joshua Greenberg

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Normative ethics, law, and policy-making at the intersection of armed conflict and emerging technology
Campus: Ithaca
Serena Guo

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: HCI, Research Through Design, AR/VR, Tangible Interface, Social Psychology
Campus: Ithaca
Jose Guridi

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Technology Policy, Public Participation, Deliberation, AI, HCI
Campus: Ithaca
Sil Hamilton

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Social Simulation, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Cultural Analytics
Campus: Ithaca
Shu-Jung Han

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-computer Interaction, Computer-mediated Communication, Human-AI Collaboration
Campus: Ithaca
Albert Han

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Interactive system design, hardware prototyping, and AR/VR Development.
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Margot Hanley
Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-Computer Interaction, Science and Technology Studies, Visual Studies, Digital Culture, Ethics, Design, Data
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Emma Harvey

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Algorithmic Fairness, Algorithm Auditing
Campus: Ithaca
Farnoosh Hashemi
Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Social network analysis, Computational Social Science, Network Science, Machine Learning, Misinformation
Campus: Ithaca
Sharon Heung

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Accessibility, Human-computer Interaction, Digital Safety, Social Media
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Yoyo Tsung-Yu Hou

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-Robot Interaction, Robots in Workgroups, Interaction Design, User Experience Design, User-centered Design
Campus: Ithaca
Khadija Jallow

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Critical Data Studies Technology and Equity Radical Technologies HCI
Campus: Ithaca
Ji Hyun Jeong
Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Human-AI collaboration
Campus: Ithaca
Menglin Jia
Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Fine-grained Recognition
Campus: Ithaca
Nanyi Jiang

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-nonhuman relationships mediated by emerging technologies in wearables and built environments
Campus: Ithaca
Crescentia Jung
Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-Computer Interaction, Accessibility
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Waki Kamino

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human Robot Interaction, Social Robotics
Campus: Ithaca
Eunjeong Kang

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-Computer interaction, Human-AI interaction, AI-mediated Communication
Campus: Ithaca
Daye Kang

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-Computer Interaction, Data Visualization, Data Science, Accessible Data, UX Research
Campus: Ithaca
Kusumegi Keigo

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Computational Social Science, Science of Science, Network Science
Campus: Ithaca
Hyunju Kim

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Extended Reality, Human-Computer Interaction(HCI), Computer-Supported Cooperative Work(CSCW)
Campus: Ithaca
Jieun Kim

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-Computer Interaction, Media Psychology, Virtual Agent, Motivation, Learning
Campus: Ithaca
Haesoo Kim

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Computer-supported cooperative work, Social media, Computer-mediated communication, Online communities
Campus: Ithaca
Pin-Sung Ku

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-Computer Interaction, Wearable Computing
Campus: Ithaca
Amritansh Kwatra

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: HCI Digital Fabrication Open Hardware
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Benjamin Laufer

Information Science PhD
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Areas of Interest: Socio-technical systems, Values and technology, Machine learning, Data Science, Computational Social Science, Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance, Privacy, Data Governance Critical Data Studies
Jinsook Lee
Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Data Science in Education, Higher Education, Algorithmic Fairness/Bias
Campus: Ithaca
Tuan-he Lee
Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-Computer Interaction, Computer-Mediated Communication, Healthcare and well-being
Campus: Ithaca
Jae June Lee

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Ethical, legal, and technical aspects of governmental statistical systems, focusing on privacy and technology
Campus: Ithaca
Ke Li

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Ubiquitous Computing, Sensing Systems, Wearable Devices, Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Campus: Ithaca
Yin Li

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Mobile Computing, Wireless Perception, Acoustic Sensing
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Xiaoyan Li

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, User Experience Research, User-centered Design, Interaction Design
Campus: Ithaca
Hyunchul Lim

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Intelligent User Interfaces; Novel Interaction Techniques; Machine Learning; Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); Ubiquitous & Wearable Computing
Campus: Ithaca
Fengyang Lin

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Digital economy, Online Platforms, Privacy and Security, Data Science, Computational Social Science
Campus: Ithaca
Jiahao Liu

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-Computer Interaction, Virtual and Mixed Reality, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Digitally-Mediated Communication
Campus: Ithaca
Tianqi Liu

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: VR, social computing, and ubiquitous computing
Campus: Ithaca
Kiara Liu

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Digital humanities, NLP, comparative literature
Campus: Ithaca
Jen Liu

Information Science PhD
Research Interests: Infrastructure Studies, Environmental Studies, HCI & CSCW, Design Research, Critical Data Studies
Campus: Ithaca
Travis Lloyd

Information Science PhD
Research Interests: Computational Social Science, Political Communication, Platform Power, Tech Policy, Social Computing
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Saif Mahmud

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Machine Learning, Ubiquitous Computing, Wearable Computing, Sensing Systems
Campus: Ithaca
Johan Michalove

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Design, Robotics, Cyber-Physical Systems, Cybernetics, Human-Robot Interaction
Campus: Ithaca
Katherine Miller

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: (Dis)trust in digital technology, virtual/augmented reality, technology-aided art, and human-computer interactions.
Campus: Ithaca
Joy Ming

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Technology for Social Justice, Design and Research Justice, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICTD)
Campus: Ithaca
Dibyendu Mishra

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Public Interest Technologies, ICTD, HCI, Critical Information Studies, Social Justice
Campus: Ithaca
Swati Mishra

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human Computer Interaction, Machine Learning, Information Visualization, Robotics
Campus: Ithaca
Daniel Molitor

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Machine Learning, Causal Inference, Data Science
Campus: Ithaca
Pegah Moradi

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Automation, Work and Labor, Digital Economy, Surveillance and Privacy, Policy
Campus: Ithaca
Maya Mundell

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: HCI, Tech Entrepreneurship, Platform Studies, Impact of Computing Technologies
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Daniel Mwesigwa

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Science and Technology Studies (STS), Data and AI Governance, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Information and Communications Technologies for Development (ICT4D)
Campus: Ithaca
Gauri Nayak

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-AI collaboration, Misinformation, Content Moderation, ICTD
Campus: Ithaca
Aspen K.B. Omapang

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Computational Social Science, Social Media & Online Communities, Infrastructure Studies, Feminist & Queer Studies, De/Anti-Colonial Futures
Campus: Ithaca
Erica Ostermann

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: How communication technologies can support undergraduate student development; formation of bonding relationships via digital communication
Campus: Ithaca
Jennifer Otiono

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-Computer Interaction, Design, Bias and Fairness, Data, Storytelling, Art + Culture
Campus: Ithaca
Maria Teresa Parreira

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: HRI, AI, HCI, Affective Computing
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Calvin Qiu

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-computer interaction, Interaction design, Science and technology studies, Natural language processing
Campus: Ithaca
Mehrnaz Sabet

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, HCI
Campus: Ithaca
Michael Sack

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-Robot Interaction, Embodied Cognition, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Telepresence
Campus: Ithaca
Mose Sakashita

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: interactive technology, human-computer interaction, remote collaboration
Campus: Ithaca
Hauke Sandhaus

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: AI, Automotive, Ethics, Interaction Design
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Jonathan Segal

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-Computer Interaction, Augmented/Virtual Reality, Health Technology
Campus: Ithaca
Farhana Shahid

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: HCI, Content Moderation, Online Communities
Campus: Ithaca
Eden Shaveet

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Public health infodemiology and reliable information extraction and interpretation for passive syndromic surveillance
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Ian Solano-Kamaiko

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-computer Interaction (HCI), Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICTD), Machine Learning for Social Good (ML4SG), Public Interest Technology, Climate Resilience
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Neta Tamir

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-Computer Interaction, Assistive Technology, Educational Technology, Tangible User Interface, User-Centered Design.
Campus: Ithaca
Yan Tao

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Educational Technology, Educational Data Mining, Learning Analytics
Campus: Ithaca
Rosamond Thalken

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Natural Language Processing, Cultural Analytics, Large Language Models
Campus: Ithaca
Natalie Tong

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Social Polarization, Social Influence vs. Self-Section, Lifestyle Politics, Computational Social Science
Campus: Ithaca
Emily Tseng

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: HCI, Health Systems, Privacy, Data Science
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Yu-Chia Tseng

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-AI interaction, HCI, Cognitive Psychology
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Timur Uckun

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Social aspects of technology and risk. Organization science. Information assurance and public policy.
Campus: Ithaca
Deepak Varuvel Dennison

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Building technological solutions for global development in areas such as education, workforce development, and governance.
Campus: Ithaca
Briana Vecchione

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Auditing and Accountability in Algorithmic Systems, their social justice and participatory roots, and their policy implications
Campus: Ithaca
Thalia Viranda

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: HCI, Mobile Sensing and Intervention Technologies, Precision Behavioral Health
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Andrea Wang

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Natural Language Processing, Data Science, Computational Social Science
Campus: Ithaca
Borui Wang

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-Computer Interaction and Ubiquitous Computing
Campus: Ithaca
Shuhong Wang

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Facilitating sustainable fabrication, create novel interactions, and democratize the fabrication process for individuals of all skill levels
Campus: Ithaca
Tony Wang

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Computational Social Science, Natural Language Processing, Human-Computer Interaction
Campus: Ithaca
Yadi Wang
Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-computer Interaction, Computer-supported Cooperative Work, Digital Humanities, Visualization
Campus: Ithaca
Hongyi Wen

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Mobile Health, Natural Language Processing, Human-Computer Interaction
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Sterling Williams-Ceci

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: AI-mediated Communication, HCI, Cognitive Attribution, Social Psychology, Interventions
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Kimberly Williamson

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Learning analytics, data vis, educational equity, educational technologies
Campus: Ithaca
Talia Wise

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-Computer Interaction, Creativity support, Augmented Cognition, Human-centered AI, Natural Language Processing
Campus: Ithaca
Jing Nathan Yan

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Data Science, Machine Learning
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Firry Yang

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Network Science, Computational Social Science, and Science of Science
Campus: Ithaca
Xinyu Yang

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Computational Social Science, Science of Science, Data Science, AI for Social Good
Campus: Ithaca
Olzhas Yessenbayev

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: HCI, Mobile Sensing, Health, Cognitive Sciences, Affective Computing
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Catherine Tianhong Yu

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Human-Computer Interaction, Novel Interaction Techniques, Digital Fabrication
Campus: Ithaca
Marina Zafiris

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Computational Sustainability, Research Activism, Indigenous Information and Data Science
Campus: Ithaca
Ruidong Zhang

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Ubiquitous computing, Wearable computing, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Campus: Ithaca
Yiran Zhao
Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Ubiquitous computing for health and well-being
Campus: Cornell Tech in NYC
Zhenyue Zhao

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Computational Social Science (CSS)
Campus: Ithaca
Andy Zhao
Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Information Manipulation, Platform Governance, Communication with Generative AI, Social Media and Public Opinion, Digital Authoritarianism
Campus: Ithaca
Ru Zhao

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: HCI, AI, NLP, Social Computing, Intelligent Systems
Campus: Ithaca
Eddie Zhu

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Computational design and personal fabrication within the field of human-computer interaction
Campus: Ithaca
Shengqi Zhu

Information Science PhD
Areas of Interest: Natural Language Processing Human-AI Interaction Crowdsourcing Digital Humanities
Campus: Ithaca