- About
- Courses
- Research
- Computational Social Science
- Critical Data Studies
- Data Science
- Economics and Information
- Education Technology
- Ethics, Law and Policy
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Human-Robot Interaction
- Incentives and Computation
- Infrastructure Studies
- Interface Design and Ubiquitous Computing
- Natural Language Processing
- Network Science
- Social Computing and Computer-supported Cooperative Work
- Technology and Equity
- People
- Career
- Undergraduate
- Info Sci Majors
- BA - Information Science (College of Arts & Sciences)
- BS - Information Science (CALS)
- BS - Information Science, Systems, and Technology
- Studying Abroad
- MPS Early Credit Option
- Independent Research
- CPT Procedures
- Student Associations
- Undergraduate Minor in Info Sci
- Our Students and Alumni
- Graduation Info
- Contact Us
- Info Sci Majors
- Masters
- Prospective PhD Students
- Admissions
- Degree Requirements and Curriculum
- Grad Student Orgs
- For Current PhDs
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Our Students and Alumni
- Graduation Info
- Program Contacts and Student Advising
We’re pleased to offer MPS students the opportunity to apply for an MPS Conference Travel Grant. We will award a limited number of grants each semester. The intent of the grant is to help facilitate our students’ involvement in professional and scholarly communities across different areas of information science, and also to increase the visibility of our program through networking. The award will help cover a modest amount of conference fees, travel, and lodging expenses.
In order to apply for these funds, you must send Olivia Howarth (oah23@cornell.edu) and Gilly Leshed (gl87@cornell.edu), director of the MPS program, a one-page statement of why you are attending, your C.V., proof of acceptance/invite, and completed MPS Student Conference Travel Grant form. The statement should not exceed 350 words, and include the following:
- The name, dates, and location of the conference
- Your status at the conference, e.g. presenter, panelist, attendee, etc.
- How attending the conference will contribute to your career development
- What you’ll do at the conference to help promote the MPS program
Applications must be submitted 6 weeks before the conference travel date.
Travel and lodging receipts must be submitted within 30 days of your return to Olivia Howarth (oah23@cornell.edu). If you need a travel advance to help purchase plane tickets, please contact Olivia Howarth. All travel and lodging arrangements are made by the student.