All students are required to complete three electives from the following options: 

  • Any INFO 3000+ course including INFO 4900 (excluding INFO 4998 and INFO 4910)
  • INFO 2300 or INFO 2310*
  • CS 2110/2112
  • CS 3110
  • CS 3410

Additionally, up to two courses from qualifying study abroad programs may be transfered to Cornell and applied as major elective credit. Please review the Study Abroad guidelines for details.

Electives must be taken for a letter grade, each must earn three or more credit hours, and must be completed with a grade of C- or higher (a grade of C or higher is required for courses taken abroad). Students may only fulfill one of their electives with INFO 4900.

*INFO 2300 and INFO 2310 overlap in content so both courses cannot count towards the major.