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Below is a list of the Information Science Colloquium series speakers and talk titles from 2012.
January 31, 2012
Scott Klemmer, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University
"The Power of Examples"
February 15, 2012
Peter Pirolli, Research Fellow in the Augmented Social Cognition Area, Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)
"Information Foraging in the Social Web"
March 7, 2012
Dan Cosley, Steve Wicker, Jeff Hancock, Information Science, Cornell University
"My Favorite Paper II"
March 28, 2012
Rick Wash, Assistant Professor, Department of Telecommunications, Information Studies, and Media, Michigan State University
"Thinking and Talking About Computer Security"
March 29, 2012
Nicole Immorlica, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Northwestern University
"Emergence of Cooperation in Social Networks"
April 5, 2012
Jason Hartline, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Northwestern University
"Auction Theory by Approximation"
April 25, 2012
Tom Erickson, Research Staff Member in the Social Computing Group at IBM Research
"Creating a Sense of Presence in Online Systems: Social Proxies from Babble to Rendezvous"
April 26, 2012
Arpita Ghosh, Senior Research Scientist at Yahoo! Research in the Microeconomics and Social Systems Group
"Social Computing and User Generated Content: A Game-theoretic Approach"
August 27, 2012
Sendhill Mullainathan, Economics, Harvard University
"Behavioral Design: Using Behavioral Economics to Invent Products, Processes and Policies"
October 17, 2012
Jeff Bigham, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, University of Rochester
October 31, 2012
Sinan Aral, Assistant Professor, Operations and Management Sciences, NYU Stern School of Business
November 15, 2012
Luis von Ahn, Associate Professor, Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
November 16, 2012
Laura Dabbish, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University