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Computer Science, Cornell Tech
My research interests lie in computer vision and in medical imaging. I have worked on a variety of problems in early vision, including motion and stereo; many of these problems can be solved very accurately using algorithms based on graph cuts, which was given the Test of Time award at ICCV 2011 and the Koenderink prize at ECCV 2012. I served as a Program Chair for CVPR 2007 (the primary North American vision conference), and for the International Workshop on Computer Vision 2008, 2010 and 2012 (a small workshop for senior vision researchers), and was a General Chair for CVPR 2013. I was the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence from 2009 through 2012, and I now chair the PAMI-TC, which runs the main vision conferences. I also am the president of the Computer Vision Foundation, a non-profit which now co-sponsors CVPR and ICCV with the IEEE Computer Society.
Since the fall of 2013 I am at CornellNYC Tech with a joint appointment in Weill Cornell Radiology. My medical work has focused on the problem of MR image reconstruction, as well as on workflow issues.