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- BS - Information Science, Systems, and Technology
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Please join us for the Information Science Department Colloquium with IS Faculty and IS Field Faculty speakers, Erik Andersen, Cristian Danescu-Niculescu Mizil, Karen Levy.
Title: "Three perspectives on data"
Abstract: Personal data, of all sizes big and small, is an exciting theme in research today.
This panel will bring together three of our faculty each of whose research relates to data, but from different perspectives:
Erik Andersen: Erik designs games for education, and how data can be used to make them (even) better.
Cristian Danescu-Niculescu Mizil: Cristian's research aims at developing computational frameworks that can lead to a better understanding of human social behavior, by unlocking the unprecedented potential of the large amounts of natural language data generated online.
Karen Levy: Karen studies social, legal, and ethical aspects of data collection.
The panel will consist of short presentations by the speakers, followed by a discussion amongst the panelists and questions from the audience.