“Give us your glitchy, your broken, your huddled masses . . .”  

Is your laptop overheating? Has your keyboard stopped working? Ready to recycle that iPhone 5?  Come by the Gates Hall Lobby on Friday, October 13 from noon to 4 p.m. to learn how to repair, reuse, or recycle your devices.  

With consultants from the Cornell Computer Reuse Association, the Ithaca fixing community, and members of the Computing on Earth lab, Cornell Bowers CIS and the Campus Sustainability Office present the Bowers CIS Technology Repair Fair. We will be accepting computers, laptops, headphones, chargers and more - anything with a cord (including the cord!). 

Learn about the environmental impacts of computing and consumer technologies, and how we can improve these.  Fix your stuff!  Save the planet!  If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

Tech Repair Fair 16x9 final.png

Poster for the Cornell Bowers CIS Repair Fair on Friday, 10/13
Cornell Bowers CIS Repair fair 2023