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Information Science, Cornell Tech
Shiri Azenkot is an Associate Professor at the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech, Cornell University, and in the Information Science Department. She is also an affiliate faculty member in the Computer Science Department at the Technion--Israel Institute of Technology. Her research interests are in accessibility and interaction on new platforms. Shiri frequently publishes at top HCI and accessibility conferences, including CHI, ASSETS, UIST, and UbiComp. Currently, her research is funded by the NSF, AOL, Verizon, and Facebook. Before arriving at Cornell Tech, she was a PhD student in Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington, where she was advised by Richard Ladner and Jacob Wobbrock. Shiri has received the UW graduate medal (awarded to just one PhD candidate at the university each year), a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, and an AT&T Labs Graduate Fellowship.
Currently, Shiri’s research focuses on the following areas:
• Understanding & designing for low vision
• Facilitating social engagement for people with vision impairments
• Designing learning technologies for inclusive classrooms